Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 1: Local environment - Period: A closer look 1 (SGK mới)

}Pronunciation: Stress on content words

1.The craft village lies on the river bank.

2.This painting is embroidered.

3.What is this region famous for?

4.Drums aren’t made in my village.

5.A famous artisan carved this table beautifully.

pptx 19 trang Hoàng Cúc 25/02/2023 1840
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 1: Local environment - Period: A closer look 1 (SGK mới)

  1. 1. Start something ( a business, 1. Set up (thành lập) an organization ) : 2. Take control of something. 2. Take over ( tiếp quản) 3. People who do skilled work, 3. Artisans (nghệ nhân) making things with their hands. 4. Attraction (điểm thu hút) 4. An interesting or enjoyable place to go or thing to do. 5. Specific region (vùng riêng 5. A particular place. biệt) 6. Make someone remember or 6. Remind (tưởng nhớ) think about something. 7. Walk around a place to see 7. Look around ( đi dạo xung what is there. quanh)
  2. 1. Pottery (n) đồ gốm 2. Set up (v) thành lập 3. Workshop (n) xưởng 4. Take over (v) tiếp quản 5. Attraction (n) sự thu hút 6. Conical hat (n) nón lá 7. Remind (v) tưởng nhớ 8. Specific region : vùng miền riêng 9. Handicraft (n) đồ thủ công 10. Look around (v) đi dạo xung quanh
  3. B. 1. They are at Phong’s grandparents’ workshop in Bat Trang. 2. It is about 700 years old. 3. His great-grandparents did. 4. Because people can buy things for their house and make pottery themselves there. 5. It’s in Hue. 6. Because the handicrafts remind them of a specific region.
  4. 1. Paintings : bức tranh
  5. 1. Carve (v) khắc, tạc, đục 2. Cast (v) đổ khuôn (nóng chảy) 3. Weave (v) dệt, đan 4. Embroider (v) thêu 5. Knit (v) đan (len) 6. Mould (v) tạo khuôn
  6. 1. The craft village lies on the river bank. 2. This painting is embroidered. 3. What is this region famous for? 4. Drums aren’t made in my village. 5. A famous artisan carved this table beautifully.
  7. Stressed: Unstressed: - Noun :house, teacher - Article: a, an, the - Verb : go, walk, - Preposition : in , on, at - Pronoun : I, you, we - Adj, adv : big, historic - Possessive adj : his, her, - Wh: what, how my . - Negative : isn’t, don’t