Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 2: City life - Period 13: Skills 1 (SGK mới)

2. Read the passage quickly and find the information to fill the blanks.

1. The name of the organisation doing the survey:

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)

2. The year of the survey:


3. The names of the best city and the worst cities: 

-  The best city: Melbourne

- The worst cities: Dhaka, Tripoli, and Douala

pptx 10 trang Hoàng Cúc 25/02/2023 1980
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 2: City life - Period 13: Skills 1 (SGK mới)

  1. English 9 UNIT 2: CITY PERIOD 13: SKILLS 1
  2. Vocabulary determine quyết định conflict (n) sự xung đột index (n) chỉ số factor (n) yếu tố rank (v) phân loại, liệt vào hạng
  3. 1. Work in pairs. What features are important to you in a city? Put the following in order 1-8 (1 is the most important). Transport Education Climate Culture Safety Cost of living Entertainment Convenience
  4. 2. Read the passage quickly and find the information to fill the blanks. 1. The name of the organisation doing the survey: The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) 2. The year of the survey: 2014 3. The names of the best city and the worst cities: - The best city: Melbourne - The worst cities: Dhaka, Tripoli, and Douala
  5. 3. Read the passage again and answer questions. 1. What factors are used by EIU to range the world cities? Climate, transport, education, safety, and recreational facilities in cities are used by EIU to range the world cities . 2. Where were some famous cities on the list? They are among the top 20. 3. Why were Dhaka, Tripoli and Douala ranked among the worst cities? Because the living conditions there were the most difficult or dangerous. 4. Which was the most “liveable” city in Asia? Osaka was. 5. What are some factors that should be added to the index? They are a city's green space, urban sprawl, natural features, cultural attractions, convenience, and pollution.
  6. 4a. Work in groups of five or six. Conduct a survey to rank your own town/city or a town city you know. Give from 10 points (the best to 1 point (the worst) to each factor.
  7. Ask each student in your group the question: "How many points do you give to factor 1 - safety? " Factors Points given Total points St A StB St C St D St E 1. safety 2. transport 3. education 4. climate 5. culture 6. facilities 7. entertainment 8. natural features 9. urban sprawl 10. pollution control
  8. b, Work out the final result of your group. Then present it to the class. Is your group's result the same or different from that of other groups?
  9. 1.Learn by heart the new words. 2.Speak with your friends 3.Prepare for the next