Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 8: Tourism - Period 57: Getting started (SGK mới)

* New words:

-narrow ST down : cắt giảm

-(to) picture ST/SB: tưởng tượng

-(to) be into ST : rất thích

      I’m really into playing the guitar

-That’s not my cup of tea: Đó không phải là sở thích của tôi

- package tour (n)         : chuyến du lịch trọn gói

ppt 21 trang Hoàng Cúc 25/02/2023 3180
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 8: Tourism - Period 57: Getting started (SGK mới)

  1. narrow ST down: cắt giảm
  2. (to) picture ST/SB: tưởng tượng
  3. (to) be into ST : rất thích
  4. That’s not my cup of tea: Đó không phải là sở thích của tôi
  5. * New words: - narrow ST down : cắt giảm - (to) picture ST/SB: tưởng tượng - (to) be into ST : rất thích I’m really into playing the guitar - That’s not my cup of tea: Đó không phải là sở thích của tôi - package tour (n) : chuyến du lịch trọn gói
  6. Nick: Hi, Chau. How are things? Chau: Good. Have you made up your mind about where to go on holiday? Nick: Well, I’ve narrowed it down to two countries – my first choice is France and my second is Japan. What do you think? Chau: Well, France is one of the largest countries in Europe. Since we’ve got a four-week summer holiday, you could go on a cycling tour of the country or go on a package tour. Nick: No, I’m not into package tours. I’d like to visit the Alps, and climb Mont Blanc - the highest mountain in Western Europe. I’d also love to explore Paris, and go sightseeing in the historic city of Versailles. Chau: Sounds exciting! I think it’s quite warm there, much warmer than in Britain. I can just picture you, tanned and relaxed, tasting delicious local specialities like frogs’ legs and snails! Nick: Ha ha! That’s not really my cup of tea. Perhaps I should go to Japan and stay at a seaside resort, eating sushi and sashimi every day! Anyhow, Japan is only my second choice. Chau: Right. So what do your parents think about your plans? Nick: Oh, they’re cool. I’m glad that they let me make my own decisions. Chau: Lucky you. Whatever you decide, you’ll have a good time. Nick: So what about you? Planning anything? Chau: Well, my family (fades out)
  7. 1. made a decision:___made up your mind 2. reduced it:___narrowed it down 3. a trip where your travel and hotels are arranged for you:___a package tour 4. move around and discover things:___explore 5. something you don't really like:___not my cup of tea
  8. √ √ √ √ √
  9. c. Answer the following questions. What does ‘Oh, they're cool’ mean? ➔ It means Nick's parents are relaxed and open-minded. 2. What is the weather like in France in the summer? ➔ It's quite warm (warmer than in Britain). 3. What would Nick like to do in France? ➔ Visit the Alps, and climb Mont Blanc, explore Paris, and go sightseeing in the historic city of Versailles. 4. What wouldn't Nick like to do in France? ➔ Eat frogs' legs and snails. 5. How do we know that Chau's parents don't allow her as much freedom as Nick's parents? ➔ She says ‘Lucky you’ when Nick says he can make his own decisions.
  10. 2. Collocation: Which word goes with which list below? tour holiday resort trip 1. summer, package, adventure___holiday 2. holiday, tourist, seaside___resort 3. sightseeing, guided, package___tour 4. boat, day, business___trip
  11. 3. Fill each blank with a word/phrase from the list: luggage price in advance seaside resort delayed souvenirs destination accommodation Most people enjoy travelling abroad, having the chance to stay in an exotic city a (1) seaside. resort . You can meet new people, learn new things, and take home some interesting (2) souvenirs. . . But before you can do that, you have to reach your (3) destination, and that sometimes be a challenge! You need to make lots of preparation. You will probably have to reserve a seat (4) in advance on planes, train or buses. If you fly, you may find that your flight has been (5)delayed or you have problem with your (6) luggage . . In addition to the travel it is often difficult to find good (7) accommodation at a (8) price which you can afford. Nevertheless , most people love to go on holiday.
  12. 4. QUIZ Give the names of the following. Choose one and talk about it with a partner.
  13. 1. The city in Viet Nam where the International Fireworks Festival is held annually ➔ Da Nang City 2. A structure near Beijing, China, that is one of the New7Wonders of the World ➔ The Great Wall of China 3. An island in Korea that is a popular place for a holiday ➔ Jeju Island 4. A local product that you would like to introduce to foreign visitors ➔ Making mats 5. A custom of your locality that might surprise tourists ➔ Tet holiday 6. Advice that you would like to give to a tour visiting your area ➔
  14. Da Nang International Fireworks
  15. The Great Wall in China
  16. ➔ Jeju Island in Korea
  17. making mats
  18. Tet Holiday
  19. HOMEWORK - Learn by heart the new words - Redo activity 1c ; activity 3