Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 9: English in the world - Lesson 6: Skills 2 (SGK mới)


Pre-listening vocabulary.

-learn a language properly (v. phrase) học ngôn ngữ 1 cách nghiêm túc, đúng đắn

-multinational company (n) công ty đa quốc gia

-the border (n)                    biên giới

-communicate with  (v)      giao tiếp với

      communicative (adj)          mang tính giao tiếp

      communication (n)            sự giao tiếp

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  1. Warm up Match the language with its country and Vietnamese meaning Languages Countries Vietnamese meaning 1.English A. France a. Tiếng Tây Ban Nha 2. French B. Italy b. Tiếng Ý 3. Italian C. England c. Tiếng Đức 4. German D. Spain d. Tiếng Pháp 5. Spanish E. Germany e. Tiếng Anh
  2. Warm up Match the language with its country and Vietnamese meaning Languages Countries Vietnamese meaning 1.English C. England e. Tiếng Anh 2. French A. French d. Tiếng Pháp 3. Italian B. Italy b. Tiếng Ý 4. German E. Germany c. Tiếng Đức 5. Spanish D. Spain a. Tiếng Tây Ban Nha
  3. Period 74 UNIT 9: ENGLISH IN THE WORLD Lesson 6: Skills 2
  4. Uint 9. Lesson 6: Skills 2 I. Listening • Pre-listening vocabulary. - learn a language properly (v. phrase) học ngôn ngữ 1 cách nghiêm túc, đúng đắn - multinational company (n) công ty đa quốc gia - the border (n) biên giới - communicate with (v) giao tiếp với communicative (adj) mang tính giao tiếp communication (n) sự giao tiếp
  5. Uint 9. Lesson 6: Skills 2 I. Listening • Pre-listening review vocabulary. - billingual (adj) sử dụng được 2 thứ tiếng - rusty (adj) giảm đi do không thực hành, sử dụng - pick up a language học ngôn ngữ 1 cách tự nhiên - reasonable (adj) -vừa phải - get by in (v) cố gắng sử dụng ngôn ngữ với những gì mình có - fluently (adv) Trôi chảy
  6. E A B D
  7. 2. Listen to the extracts again and answer the questions. by choosing A, B or C 1. What did Speaker 1 do last summer? A. He went to Rome B. He went to England C. He went to Paris 2. How can Speaker 2 speak Italian? A. A bit rusty B. fluently C. very well 3. What was Speaker 3’s level of English in the past? A. reasonable B. very bad C. good 4. What did Speaker 3 do while travelling around England? A. He didn’t pick up any words and phrases B. He noted down some words and phrases to learn. C. He picked up enough words and phrases to get by. 5. What did Speaker 4 think of her English learning? A. She has not learned a lot at an English centre. B. She has learned a lot at an English centre. C. She couldn’t find any communicative way to learn English.
  8. Watching a video about reason to learn English. Try to take notes
  9. To communicate To talk/ chat; to write . To learn/study To read English books/materials; learn with English teachers To have a mean of relax To watch E films, listen to E songs To work in a multinational English co-workers; official company language, .
  10. Make a complete paragraph about the reasons to learn English by giving clues Opening (teacher) I use English for different purposes in my everyday life First idea: (Group 1) -English / help / me / communicate/ people / the world. - I / can / chat / talk / friends / because/ English/ be / international language. - I/ be able to/ use English to write /letters / emails/ my English friends. Second idea (Group 2) - English / help / me/ in leaning . - I / can/ read/ English books/ materials/ English. - I / can/ attend/ classes taught / English teachers. Third idea (Group 3) -English/ be/ a mean/ relax. - I / can/ English films/ movies/ English songs. - I / may/ novels/ English. Closing (teacher) In conclusion, English is useful for me in various ways.
  11. Make a complete paragraph about the reasons to learn English by giving clues Opening (teacher) I use English for different purposes in my everyday life First idea: (Group 1) - English helps me communicate with people all over the world. I have made friends with some students from the UK and Australia. I use English to chat with them about many things Second idea (Group 2) Secondly, English helps me get information and improve my knowledge. Because almost any information is available in English, it is easy for me to get access to all sources of information with my English. Third idea (Group 3) Finally, English is useful when I want to go abroad to study. A lot of schools and universities in different countries which provide scholarships and courses in English. I am learning English hard to get an IELTS score of 6.5 so that next year I can go to Australia to study. Closing (teacher) In conclusion, English is useful for me in various ways.