Kế hoạch giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Ban cơ bản)

Tuần Tiết  Chủ đề/bài Mạch nội dung kiến thức Yêu cầu cần đạt Thời lượng Hình thức tổ chức Ghi chú


From 07/9 to 12/9/2020









Hướng dẫn cho HS cách học và các hình thức kiểm tra


Ss master the way to study English 10 and know the numbers of tests       1   Individually  



1. You and me









Know daily routines of a farmer 



- Guessing meaning in context

- Passage comprehension

- Scanning for specific information



- Individually

- Pairworks

- Groupworks

Task 3 không dạy


- Ask for and give information from a timetable

- Talk about daily activities


- Ss can ask for and give information from a timetable

-Ss talk about their daily activities



- Individually

- Pairworks

- Groupworks




From 14/9 to 19/9/2020














Listen  about a day in the life of a cycle driver and talk about  a day in the life of a cycle driver.


-Ss  number pictures in the order that they hear

- Ss  decide on True or False statements



- Individually

- Pairworks

- Groupworks

doc 26 trang Hoàng Cúc 27/02/2023 3020
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Nội dung text: Kế hoạch giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Ban cơ bản)

  1. KẾ HOẠCH GIÁO DỤC MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 CƠ BẢN NĂM HỌC 2020 – 2021 Cả năm : 35 tuần (105 tiết) Học kì I: 18 tuần (53 tiết) TCBS: 12 tiết Học kì I: Tuần Tiết Chủ đề/bài Mạch nội dung kiến Yêu cầu cần đạt Thời Hình thức tổ chức Ghi chú thức lượng 1 Introduction Hướng dẫn cho HS cách Ss master the way to 1 Individually học và các hình thức study English 10 and kiểm tra know the numbers of tests 2 1. You and me - Guessing meaning in 1 - Individually Task 3 3 Reading context - Pairworks không UNIT 1: A DAY Know daily routines of - Passage - Groupworks dạy 1 IN THE LIFE a farmer comprehension From 07/9 OF - Scanning for to specific information 12/9/2020 1 - Individually Speaking - Ss can ask for and - Pairworks - Ask for and give give information from - Groupworks information from a a timetable timetable -Ss talk about their - Talk about daily daily activities activities 4 Listening -Ss number pictures 1 - Individually 2 Listen about a day in the in the order that they - Pairworks life of a cycle driver and hear - Groupworks From 14/9 talk about a day in the - Ss decide on True to life of a cycle driver. or False statements 19/9/2020 1
  2. 5 - Write a narrative: 1 - Individually Writing + Narrative and the - Pairworks -Write a narrative: past simple - Groupworks + Stages of narrative 6 Language focus - Distinguish the ways 1 - Individually - Pronunciation: / I / - / i: to pronounce/ I / - / i: - Pairworks / / - Groupworks + The present simple -Know how to use the present simple . - Do the execises about the present simple 7 UNIT 2: Language focus(con’t) -Know how to use 1 - Individually SCHOOL + The past simple the past simple and - Pairworks TALKS + Adverbs of frequency adverbs of frequency - Groupworks - Do the execises about adverbs of frequency 3 the and the past From 21/9 8 simple to - Read for exact 1 - Individually 26/9/2020 Reading information - Pairworks Read short paragraphs - Passage - Groupworks 9 about people’s comprehension personality Speaking - Make questions and 1 - Individually Make small talks in the give responses in - Pairworks daily life small talks - Groupworks 4 10 Listening - Dialogue: 1 - Individually From 28/9 Listen to short + Listening to small - Pairworks to conversations talks and numbering - Groupworks 03/10/2020 pictures 2
  3. + Completing a 11 dialogue Writing Know how to fill in a 1 - Individually Write a form about form and write a form - Pairworks personal information about personal - Groupworks information 12 Language focus - Distinguish the ways 1 - Individually - Pronunciation: / ^ / to pronounce / ^ / - / - Pairworks - / a: / a: / - Groupworks - Grammar: -Know how to make + Wh-questions Wh-questions 13 Unit 3: PEOPLE Language focus(con’d) Know the use of 1 - Individually BACKGROUND Gerund and to + - Pairworks + Gerund and to + infinitive - Groupworks infinitive - Vocabulary 1 - Individually 14,15 Reading comprehension: - Pairworks Talk about background of -Matching - Groupworks 5 marie Curie - Deciding on True or From False statements 05/10 to - Passage 10/10/2020 comprehension PRESENT SIMPLE Know the form and 1 - Individually Review the form and use use of the present - Pairworks TCBS of the present simple and simple and further - Groupworks 1 do some exercises practice 3
  4. 16 Speaking - Asking and 1 Integrated, mainly Talk about about answering questions communicative people’s background about people’s - Positive method background - Role-playing- 1 - Individually 17 Listening - Dialogue: - Pairworks Listen about a + Deciding on True - Groupworks 6 champion’s background or False statements From + Gap-filling 12/10 to - know how to write a 1 - Individually Không 17/10/2020 18 Writing paragraph about - Pairworks dạy task1 - Writing about people’s people’s background - Groupworks trang 39- background SGK TA 10 TCBS PAST SIMPLE Know the form and 1 - Individually 2 Review the form and use use of the past simple - Pairworks of the past simple and and further practice - Groupworks do some exercises 19 Language focus - Distinguish the ways - Individually - Pronunciation: / e / - / to pronounce/ e / - / æ - Pairworks æ / / - Groupworks 7 - Grammar: -Know how to use From + The past perfect + The past perfect 19/10 to + The past perfect vs. the + The past perfect vs. 24/10/2020 past simple the past simple - Do the execises about the tenses 20 consolidate the 1 - Individually Test yourself A knowledge learned in - Pairworks To check sts’ language units 1, 2, 3. - Groupworks skills 4
  5. WH- QUESTIONS Ss can make the WH- 1 - Individually TCBS Review the use of WH- questions - Pairworks 3 questions and how to - Groupworks make the WH- questions 21 2. EDUCATION Reading - Vocabulary 1 - Individually Talk about the comprehension: Pairworks UNIT 4 : difficulties of a special Matching - Groupworks SPECIAL class - Extensive reading: EDUCATION multiple-choice questions - Intensive reading: gap-filling 8 22 Speaking -Practice making an 1 - Individually Make an interview interview: - Matching - Pairworks From - Report on results - Groupworks 26/10 to 31/10/2020 Listening - Monologue: 1 - Individually Listen about + Deciding on True - Pairworks 23 photography club of the or False statements - Groupworks disabled children + Gap-filling - Individually Writing -Know how to make 1 - Pairworks 24 Write a letter of complaint sentences - Groupworks complaint and master parts in a a letter of complaint Know the use of 1 - Individually TO INFINITIVE VS. gerund and to - Pairworks TCBS GERUND infinitive - Groupworks 4 Review use of gerund and to infinitive and 5
  6. KẾ HOẠCH GIÁO DỤC MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 CƠ BẢN NĂM HỌC 2020 – 2021 Cả năm : 35 tuần (105 tiết) Học kì I: 18 tuần (53 tiết) TCBS: 12 tiết Học kì I: Tuần Tiết Chủ đề/bài Mạch nội dung kiến Yêu cầu cần đạt Thời Hình thức tổ chức Ghi chú thức lượng 1 Introduction Hướng dẫn cho HS cách Ss master the way to 1 Individually học và các hình thức study English 10 and kiểm tra know the numbers of tests 2 1. You and me - Guessing meaning in 1 - Individually Task 3 3 Reading context - Pairworks không UNIT 1: A DAY Know daily routines of - Passage - Groupworks dạy 1 IN THE LIFE a farmer comprehension From 07/9 OF - Scanning for to specific information 12/9/2020 1 - Individually Speaking - Ss can ask for and - Pairworks - Ask for and give give information from - Groupworks information from a a timetable timetable -Ss talk about their - Talk about daily daily activities activities 4 Listening -Ss number pictures 1 - Individually 2 Listen about a day in the in the order that they - Pairworks life of a cycle driver and hear - Groupworks From 14/9 talk about a day in the - Ss decide on True to life of a cycle driver. or False statements 19/9/2020 1