Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Review 3

  1. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:

  1. Knowledge

Vocabulary: Consolidation 

   Structures: Consolidation

  1. Language skills

To review talking about the number of objects and identifying animals

  1. Core competencies & Personal qualities
  • Building up interests and good habits in learning English
  • Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner
  • Presenting communicative skills through learning activities in classrooms
  • Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork
  1. Teaching aids:

      Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.

      Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.


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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Review 3

  1. Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Week: Date of teaching: Period: REVIEW 3 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following: 1. Knowledge Vocabulary: Consolidation Structures: Consolidation 2. Language skills To review talking about the number of objects and identifying animals 3. Core competencies & Personal qualities • Building up interests and good habits in learning English • Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner • Presenting communicative skills through learning activities in classrooms • Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork II. Teaching aids: Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook. III. Procedures:
  2. Time Steps/Activities Organization 5’ Warm-up • Teacher – Sing the Phonics song whole class (Source: Option 1: • Teacher – "Touch" game Whole class/ Divide the class into four teams. groupwork Have one student from each team stand a distance from the board. Stick some flashcards on the board. Says a letter or a word. (E.g. Please touch letter “S” three times!) Have the students race to the board, touch that flashcard, and say the correct word. The first student to touch the flashcard and say the word gets a point for their team. Continue with other students. Option 2: • Teacher – "Guess the word" game Whole class/ Divide the class into four teams. groupwork Write a word on the board with several or all letters missing. (E.g. _ _ _ – sun) Have each team take turns calling out a letter. Add the missing letters to the word if correctly guessed. Give that team one point if it’s a correct guess. Continue until the students guess the word correctly. The team that gets the most points win. New lesson 25’ A. Listen and (√) the box. (CD1 - Track 64) • Teacher – Have students look at the pictures and call out the animals Whole class/ and shapes they can see. individuals/
  3. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. pair work Play audio. Have students listen and tick the box Have students change their books together. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. B. Play “Magic Finger”. • Teacher – Have students look at the example. Whole class/ Divide the class into pairs. pair work Have Student A write a number with their finger on Student B's back and ask, e.g. “How many balls are there?” Have Student B try to guess which number it is and answer, e.g. “Twelve balls.”. Have students swap roles and repeat. “Mingle” game • Teacher – Prepares some flashcards or pictures and sticks them on the Whole class/ board. pair work Play some music and encourage students to dance or walk around. Stop music suddenly. Have each student find a partner. One student points at one picture and asks, “How many birds are there?” and the other answers. Have students swap roles. Play music and continue in this way. Workbook - page 30 • Teacher – A. Look, read, and (√) the box. whole class/ Have students look at the pictures and read the words groupwork/ carefully, the put a tick or a cross into the correct box. individuals Check understanding and give the correct answers to the students. B. Listen and put a (√) or a (x). (WB 17) Have students identify all pictures and guess the answers
  4. could be. Play audio. Have students listen and put a tick or a cross. Play audio again. Have students listen again and check their answers. Check understanding and give the correct answers as a whole class. C. Look, write, and draw lines. Have students look at the shapes, read the questions and answers, then match. Check understanding and give the correct answers as a whole class. 5’ Wrap up Option 1 • Teacher – “Cross the River” game Whole class/ Place flashcards on floor in winding manner. individuals Each card represents a stepping stone in the river. Students must say a word/ a phrase/ a question/ . in order to step on it and cross the river. Option 2 • Teacher – "Inside the bag" game Whole class/ Teacher prepares some cards (about 10 cards), writes out groupwork numbers on one side and things/objects on the other side, then, put them in four bags. Give each team a bag. Divide the class into four teams. Divide each team into pairs. Have each pair come to the front of the class and choose a card from the bag. Have one student asks, “How many (erasers) can you see?” and the other answers. Swap roles. The first team to ask and answer correctly wins.