Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Review 6

  1. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:

  1. Knowledge

Vocabulary: Consolidation 

   Structures: Consolidation

  1. Language skills

To be able to review suggesting activities and saying where the students want to go.

  1. Core competencies & Personal qualities
  • Building up interests and good habits in learning English
  • Building up responsive and independent-thinking characteristics to be a life-long learner.
  • Building up an awareness of the living environment protection
  • Presenting communicative skills through learning activities in classrooms
  • Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork
  1. Teaching aids:

      Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.

      Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.


doc 5 trang Hoàng Cúc 25/02/2023 1860
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  1. Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Week: Date of teaching: Period: REVIEW 6 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following: 1. Knowledge Vocabulary: Consolidation Structures: Consolidation 2. Language skills To be able to review suggesting activities and saying where the students want to go. 3. Core competencies & Personal qualities • Building up interests and good habits in learning English • Building up responsive and independent-thinking characteristics to be a life-long learner. • Building up an awareness of the living environment protection • Presenting communicative skills through learning activities in classrooms • Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork II. Teaching aids: Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures:
  2. Time Steps/Activities Organization 5’ Warm-up • Teacher – Sing and act “If You’re Happy and You Know it Clap Your whole class Hands” song (Source: Option 1: • Teacher – “Ball Circle” game Whole class/ Divide the class into groups of four. Each group sits in a groupwork circle. Give each group a ball. Prepare some pictures then gives each group at least one picture. One student points at the picture and says “Let’s play (hide and seek).” and throws the ball to another student who has to respond “Yes” or “No”. This student then points at the picture and says “Let’s play (soccer).” and throws the ball to another student. Continue until every student has had a turn. Option 2: • Teacher – “Throwing” game Whole class/ Divide the class into four teams. groupwork Divide the team into pairs. Have each team stands in two lines. Prepare some cards/pictures and sticks them on the board. When the teacher says “Go”, each pair runs to the board. One student throws a ball to the card/picture then says “Let’s play (tag).” and the other student has to respond. Swap roles. If they answer correctly, they will get those cards/pictures. Continue with the other pairs. The team that gets the most cards/pictures win.
  3. New lesson 25’ A. Listen and draw lines. (CD2 - Track 10) • Teacher – Have students look at the pictures and call out the people Whole class/ and places they can see. individuals Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. Play audio. Have students listen and circle A or B. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. B. Play the "Chain" game. • Teacher – Have students look at the example. Whole class/ Divide the class into groups of four. groupwork Have the students stand up. Have Student A turn to Student B and say a sentence, then have Student B say a sentence. Next, have Student B turn to Student C and say a sentence, then have Student C say a sentence. Continue until all students have practiced. Have some groups demonstrate the activity in front of the class. “Hot Potato” game • Teacher – Prepare some pictures or flashcards and sticks them on Whole class/ the board. individuals Point at a picture. Get a soft ball and throw it to a student. He/ She must answer then throw the ball to the other student which has to say a sentence with the corresponding place. (E.g. I want to go to the (zoo).) Workbook page 43 • Teacher – D. Look, read, and circle. Whole class/ Have students identify the pictures and read the words. individuals Have students identify the pictures and read the words.
  4. Ask students to call out the activity of picture number 1, then think and circle the correct words. This is an example. Have students do the remains then compare the answers. Check understanding as a whole class and give the correct answers to the students. E. Listen and number. (WB 25) Have students identify the pictures of part E. Guide them how to do the text. • Teacher – Play audio. Have students listen and write the number in Whole class/ each box. individuals Play audio again. Have students listen and check. Check understanding and correct mistake as a whole class. F. Look, read, and (√) the box. Have students look at the pictures, read the words and tick the correct boxes. • Teacher – Whole class/ Give the correct answers to the students. individuals 5’ Wrap up Option 1 • Teacher – Find your partner Whole class/ Give each student one card. The card will have a picture to pair work represent a place. Have students find the partner who has the same place. Have students make a sentence. E.g. I want to go to the zoo. Have students hands up when they have found partner. Check students who are correct. Option 2 • Teacher –
  5. “Musical Flashcards” game Whole class/ Divide the class into four teams. groupwork Each team stands in a line. The first student in each line comes to the front. Play some music and the students walk around some flashcards in a circle. When the music stops, teacher says a place (E.g. “park”) and the students must race to pick up that card. The first student who picks up the flashcard and says a sentence correctly (E.g. I want to go to the (park).) then gets one point for his/her team. Continue with other students. The team that gets the most points win.