Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Unit 1: Feelings - Lesson 3 - Period 2

Lesson 3

  1. Objectives:

After completing this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:

  1. Knowledge


scared, bored, hungry, thirsty                     


(Minh)'s (thirsty).

What's your name?

My name's (Vinh).

  1. Language skills

Talk about how other people feel and ask someone his/her name.

  1. Core competencies & Personal qualities
  • Building up interests and good habits in learning English
  • Building up awareness of taking care of others in their family or community
  • Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork
  • Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner
  1. Teaching aids:

      Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.

      Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.

doc 5 trang Hoàng Cúc 25/02/2023 2640
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Unit 1: Feelings - Lesson 3 - Period 2

  1. Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Week: Date of teaching: Period: 2 UNIT 1: FEELINGS Lesson 3 I. Objectives: After completing this lesson, students will be able to gain the following: 1. Knowledge Vocabulary: scared, bored, hungry, thirsty Structures: (Minh)'s (thirsty). What's your name? My name's (Vinh). 2. Language skills Talk about how other people feel and ask someone his/her name. 3. Core competencies & Personal qualities • Building up interests and good habits in learning English • Building up awareness of taking care of others in their family or community • Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork • Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner II. Teaching aids: Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures:
  2. Time Steps/Activities Organization 5’ Warm-up • Teacher – Sing “How are you?”(Feelings) song whole class (source: Option 1: • Teacher – "Musical dictation" game whole class/  Divide the class into teams. groupwork  Have the teacher write the sentence in wrong order (E.g. thirsty/Minh’s/.)  Have each team take out a pencil and a piece of paper.  Play some music and have teams pass their pencil from one student to the next within the group.  When the music stops, the students who have just received the pencil write down on their paper what the teacher has dictated to them.  Give the first team to write the sentence in correct order one point.  The team that gets the most points wins. Option 2: • Teacher – "Read my lips" game whole class/  Divide the class into teams. groupwork  Teacher says a sentence silently.  Have the students try to guess what the teacher said.  Give that team one point if it’s a correct guess.  The team that gets the most points wins. 25’ New lesson D. 1. Listen and read. (CD1 – Track 26) • Teacher –  Introduce the situation. whole class/
  3.  Have students call out the people they can see. individuals  Play audio and have students listen and read. 2. Listen and repeat. (CD1 - Track 27)  Have students • Teacher – look at the useful language box. whole class/  Play audio. Have pair work students listen to the useful language.  Have students • Teacher – practice the useful language. whole class/ "Hot seat" game groupwork  Divide the class into teams.  Have a student from each team sit on the chair facing the classroom with the board behind them.  Teacher writes a word on the board.  Have the other students describe the word.  Give the first team to guess correctly one point. The team that gets the most points wins. E. Play the "Chain" game. • Teacher –  Have students look at the example. whole class/  Divide the class into groups of four. individuals  Have the students stand up.  Have Student A turn to Student B and ask the question, then have Student B answer.  Next, have Student B turn to Student C and ask the question, then have Student C answer.  Continue until all students have practiced.  Have some groups demonstrate the activity in front of the class. Workbook - page 13 C. Listen and (√) the box.
  4.  Have students look at exercise C page 13, identify all pictures and guess the answers . • Teacher –  Play audio. Have students listen and tick the correct box. whole class/  Have students listen and check the answers. individuals D. Look, read, and (√) the box.  Have students look, read and tick the correct box. E. Look, trace, and draw lines.  Have students look at the pictures, read the question and answers, then trace the answers and draw lines.  Check understanding part C, D, E as a whole class and give the correct answers to the students. 5’ Wrap up Option 1 “Musical chairs” game • Teacher –  Have students sit on their seats. whole class/  Play music and ask them to move around. pair work  Take away two chairs and suddenly stop music. Have students sit on any chairs. The two students who have no chairs to sit on will make questions and answers. E.g. • Student A: What’s your name? • Student B: My name is (Vinh).  Swap roles and continue. Option 2 • Teacher – "Whispering" game whole class/  Divide the class into teams. groupwork  Have students from each team stand or sit in a row.  Whisper a word/ sentence to the first students of each team.  Have the first students whisper the word/sentence to the
  5. second students.  Have teams continue whispering the word/sentence until it reaches the last students.  The last student in the row has to say out the word/sentence.  Give the first team to say the word/sentence correctly one point.  The team that gets the most points wins.