Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Unit 3: Numbers - Lesson 2 - Period 2

Lesson 2

  1. Objectives:

After completing this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:

  1. Knowledge





  1. Language skills

Practicing asking and answering the number of objects using the structure “How many (circles) are there?

  1. Core competencies & Personal qualities
  • Building up interests and good habits in learning English
  • Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork
  • Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner
  1. Teaching aids:

      Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.

      Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.

doc 5 trang Hoàng Cúc 25/02/2023 3180
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Unit 3: Numbers - Lesson 2 - Period 2

  1. Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Week: Date of teaching: Period: 2 UNIT 3: NUMBERS Lesson 2 I. Objectives: After completing this lesson, students will be able to gain the following: 1. Knowledge Vocabulary: Consolidation Structures: Consolidation 2. Language skills Practicing asking and answering the number of objects using the structure “How many (circles) are there?” 3. Core competencies & Personal qualities • Building up interests and good habits in learning English • Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork • Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner II. Teaching aids: Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures: Time Steps/Activities Organization
  2. 5’ Warm-up • Teacher – Alphabet Line-up whole class  Give each S an alphabet flashcard.  Play the Alphabet song and have the students skip around in a circle, singing along to the song.  Stop music at random points and the students have to line up in the correct alphabetical order according to their cards. Option 1: • Teacher – Whole class/ “I spy” game groupwork  Divide the class into groups of five.  Have one student in each group says "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with letter (n)” . The remain students try to guess the word (e.g. "nut").  Continue with other students in each group. Option 2: • Teacher – Whole class/ "Touch" game groupwork  Divide the class into four teams.  Have one student from each team stand a distance from the board.  Stick some flashcards on the board.  Then the teacher says a letter or a word. (E.g. Please touch letter “N” three times!)  Have the students race to the board, touch that flashcard, and say the correct word.  The first student to touch the flashcard and say the word gets a point for their team.  Continue with other students. 25’ New lesson 5. Listen and repeat. (CD1 - Track 46) • Teacher –
  3.  Have students look at the pictures. whole class/ individuals  Point to the pictures and say the letters' sounds.  Play audio. Have students listen and repeat the letter sounds.  Have some students repeat the letter sounds. 6. Listen and point. (CD1 - Track 47) • Teacher –  Have students look at the pictures. Whole class/ pair work  Demonstrate pointing to the correct letter when you hear the sound or word.  Play audio. Have students point to the correct picture at the top of the page when they hear the appropriate sound or word.  Have students work in pairs, practice pointing and saying the sounds or words. Swap roles. 7. Circle the odd one out. • Teacher –  Have students look at the pictures and call out the words. whole class/ individuals  Demonstrate the activity using the example.  Have students look at the pictures and circle the odd one out. ( For excellent students, teacher can ask them why they choose the odd one out.)  Check answers as a whole class. 8. Play "Stepping stones”. • Teacher –  Divide the class into pairs. whole class/ pair work  Have Student A start at letter A and say the first letter sound or word.  Have Student B start at letter B and say the first letter sound or word.  Have students take turns saying the letter sounds or words as they go all the way around. • Teacher – Workbook page 23 whole class/
  4.  Have students open their workbooks, page 23. individuals C. Listen and (√) the box. (WB 13)  Play audio and have students listen and tick the correct box. D. Look and write.  Set up time limit by 1minute timer bomb (source:  Have students start reading and writing the letters. When the time ends by explosion students stop doing their exercises.  Have students change their workbooks together.  Check understanding as a whole class and give the correct answers for part C and D. 5’ Wrap up Option 1 • Teacher – “Concentration” game Whole class/  Divide the class into four teams. groupwork  Prepares many cards, some have letters (n, o, p, q) on their backs, some have the words on their backs.  Stick prepared cards on the board (stick which card has letter on one side and which card has word on the other side) and don’t allow students see their backs.  Students take turns in turning over 2 cards (saying the cards aloud). If the cards match, then the student keeps the cards. If the cards are different, the student sticks the cards back on the board in their original places.  Continue with other students.  The team that gets the most cards wins.
  5. Option 2 • Teacher – Whole class/ "Bingo" game groupwork  Divide the class into groups of five.  Write all words on the board (nut, nose, nine, orange, octopus, pen, penguin, pink, queen, question)  Have students choose nine words on the board and write them down on their piece of paper.  One student read the words aloud.  Tell the students that any time his/her friend reads a word that they have written down, they can cross out that word.  When one student has crossed out three words in a vertical or horizontal or diagonal line, then, shouts "Bingo!".