Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Unit 9: Classroom activities - Lesson 1 - Period 2

Lesson 1

  1. Objectives:

After completing this lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Language competence

Identify and use the following vocabulary items and structures to talk about classroom activities


eraser, ruler, crayon, pencil case


Pick up your (eraser).

  1. Core competence

- Build up interests and good habits in learning English

- Build up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a long-life learner

- Be supportive and collaborative in team work

- Demonstrate problem-solving and communicative skills through learning activities

  1. Personal qualities

- Build up respective attitudes to others in the community

- Build up spirits of the responsibility for family and the community

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 (i-Learn Smart Start) - Unit 9: Classroom activities - Lesson 1 - Period 2

  1. Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Week: Date of teaching: Period: 2 THEME 9: CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Lesson 1 I. Objectives: After completing this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Language competence Identify and use the following vocabulary items and structures to talk about classroom activities Vocabulary: eraser, ruler, crayon, pencil case Structures: Pick up your (eraser). 2. Core competence - Build up interests and good habits in learning English - Build up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a long-life learner - Be supportive and collaborative in team work - Demonstrate problem-solving and communicative skills through learning activities 3. Personal qualities - Build up respective attitudes to others in the community - Build up spirits of the responsibility for family and the community II. Teaching aids: Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks. 1 | P a g e
  2. III. Procedures: Time Steps/Activities Organization 5’ Warm-up • Teacher –  Sing the song of part C (Student’s Book), page 62 and do whole class the actions. Option 1: • Teacher – Seven lives Whole class/ - Draw or stick seven bodies outlines on the board. individuals - Choose a word. Draw one line on the board for each letter in a word, for example: _ _ _ _ _ _ (eraser). - Have students put up their hands to say a letter, if the letter is in the word, teacher writes it on the line. If the letter is not in the word, the teacher removes one of the bodies from the board. - When students complete the word or lose all seven lives the game finishes. Option 2: • Teacher – Run and Draw Whole class/  Divide the class into four teams. groupwork  Have each team stand in a line.  Secretly show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child runs to the board, draw the picture.  Have the other students in his/her team try to guess what the picture is.  The first team has the correct answer will get one point. New lesson 25’ D. Point and say. • Teacher – Practice (optional). Whole class/  Show a flashcard to the class. individuals 2 | P a g e
  3.  Have students practice the structure using the new word.  Repeat with other flashcards. E.g. (Teacher shows a flashcard "eraser".) Class: “Pick up your eraser.” Point and say. • Teacher –  Divide the class into pairs. Whole class/  Have Student A point to the pictures and Student B say, pair work e.g. "Pick up your eraser."  Swap roles and repeat.  Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class. Answer key 1. Pick up your eraser./Pick up your ruler./Pick up your eraser./Pick up your ruler./Pick up your eraser./Pick up your ruler. 2. Pick up your crayon./Pick up your pencil case./Pick up your crayon./Pick up your pencil case./Pick up your crayon./Pick up your pencil case./ 3. Pick up your ruler./Pick up your ruler./Pick up your pencil case./ Pick up your ruler./Pick up your ruler./Pick up your pencil case. 4. Pick up your crayon./Pick up your crayon./Pick up your eraser./Pick up your crayon./Pick up your crayon./Pick up your eraser E. Play "Simon says." • Teacher –  Have students look at the example. Whole class/  Tell students they must only follow commands that start individuals 3 | P a g e
  4. with "Simon says "  Demonstrate the game by giving the students different commands. If the command starts with "Simon says," students must do the action. If it doesn't start with "Simon says," students who do the action must sit down.  Have one student come to the front of the class to be "Simon."  Swap roles and repeat with a new "Simon. “Follow the leader” game • Teacher –  Have students line up behind the teacher and place some Whole class/ school objects or pictures on the floor. individuals  Have students follow him/her around the classroom.  Do an action and shout out the sentence for that action.  Have students copy the action and repeat the sentence. (E.g. Put up your (ruler).) Workbook page 57 • Teacher –  Have students open their workbooks – page 57 Whole class/ C. Listen and circle (WB33). individuals  Have students look at exercise C, read the words and guess the answers could be.  Play audio. Have students listen and circle the correct words.  Have students listen again and check the answers.  Check understanding and give the correct answers to the students. D. Look, read, and put a ( √ ) or a ( x ).  Have students look at the pictures, read the instructions and tick the correct box, cross the remains.  Teacher and students correct all the answers as a whole class. 4 | P a g e
  5. 5’ Wrap up Option 1: • Teacher – “Spin the wheel” game Whole class/  Prepare some wheels groupwork like this. eraser ruler pencil pen crayon pencil case  Divide the class into groups of four.  One student spins the wheel.  When the wheel stops, the student will make a sentence with the corresponding word. (E.g. Pick up a (pen).)  Continue in the same way. Option 2: • Teacher – “Jump rope” game Whole class/  Arrange children into four groups. groupwork  Hold a rope at a height that the students should be able to jump over.  Invite one student from each group to stand on one side of the rope.  On the other side of the rope, put some objects or flashcards on the table.  Call out the name of one of the objects/flashcards.  The students have to jump over the rope, pick up the correct object and say the word. 5 | P a g e
  6.  The team that gets the most point wins. 6 | P a g e